Ayurveda Management for Lymphedema

‘Udvartanam’ or ‘Udkharshanam’ 

A kind of controlled systematic massage is very much effective in management of lymphedema.

A case Study

Presented complaints from the words of the patient…

“Dear Doctor, I have swelling in the left leg but there is no pain anywhere, only when I walk uphill the swollen feet feels tight. I wear this compressed stockings from 5:30 am till I go to bed at night. Only removes while taking shower. All the tests looks normal and I am under treatment with  vascular surgeon for last two months ” Patient X

A 43 years old patient came with the complaint of swelling without any pain in the left leg especially on the lower part extending to the thigh region.

Venous Doppler study showed normal    |    Arterial doppler study showed normal.

She was suffering from these difficulties for more than 2 months and taken treatments and opinion with multiple specialists including leading surgeons and was not able to recover completely. 

Ayurveda care with internal medication as well as  specially designed ‘Udwarthanam’ massage were helpful and the results were as below. It is not a complete cure we claim but the recovery was significant and full panchakarma treatment including Snehapanam, Virechanam and Vasthi followed by Sarvangadhara may be required for complete restoration of her health.

Ayurveda diet with less spice and sour also recommended. Specific Exercised to improve the circulation also important. Yoga with meditation can help to maintain the circulation is also suggestive. Peaceful mind plays a role in the long-term benefits of the health by controlling the Chronic inflammation.


Lymphedema refers to tissue swelling caused by an accumulation of protein-rich fluid that’s usually drained through the body’s lymphatic system. It most commonly affects the arms or legs, but can also occur in the chest wall, abdomen, neck, and genitals. Any type of problem that blocks the drainage of lymph fluid can cause lymphedema.


Udvartanam is a kind of massage done in the upward direction of the body. It is told in Ayurveda to eliminate the toxins with Kapha & Medo Dosha.

Ayurveda Principle of management is remove the toxins blocking the channels and improve the circulation.

In this case the massage was designed in a particular way the lymphatic circulation was improved. It was a very gentle massage with skilled doctors and trained therapists. It was important to do the treatment with special care. 

Internal medication  

It was important to take the medication for balancing the doshas. 

Ayurveda diagnosis was ‘Ekanga sopham’ &  Dosha vitiation was ‘Thridoshaja Vikaram’

Medicines used

  • Mahamajishatadi Kashayam 
  • Kaisora guggulu
  • Guggulu panchapalam choornam 
  • Jadamayadi choornam – Externally 

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